Monday, June 27, 2011

A Random Thought

"What would history students think of us ??"

Just six months ago I had a very pessimistic answer to that question. I thought that we'd be looked at like those who allowed the Greeks, the Romans, the Turks and the English to rule Egypt without a word loud enough to be remembered. People that history forgets soon enough. But how wrong I have been ...

We are living one of the most interesting periods in Egypt's history. Being part of any sector of the Egyptian society you'll get to notice how everyone is starting to change. Even if they haven't made up their minds yet on what they want to be, everyone is ceasing to be his or her old self looking for his or her part of the much anticipated bright future.

But what I have been noticing also is that we are not given an answer to what should we do next ? The answer to that question for all Egyptians six months ago is to "bring down the regime" but that period is long gone now and "prosecuting the regime's figures" is not something for everyone to do, it something that we want so is ruling.

Yet you find a huge number of parties forming so fast with a lot of overlapping major goals and differences in minor goals. This makes me wonder what they'll be focusing on really after -if- they get elected, the greatest goals or to fight for those minor causes.

Replacing "bringing down the regime" with another national project is what a lot of  politicians, thinkers and even scientists are suggesting now with no REAL project that touches the lives of all Egyptians out there.  Maybe because we're still in a transitional phase but with the parliament election almost here we should be seeing at least some hints. Either way that's not what I think that we need right now.

What I think we need is a "National Source of Inspiration". In other words we need a national source of hope. That's what made the revolution work in the first place. Instead of thinking of our generation as the "internet generation" with blundering thoughts and no real goals, our parents, rulers and the rest of the world saw real heros taking a stand against a tyrant that no one had the heart to really say no to, taking the beating and growing stronger with every martyr they lose. 

That spirit is what made the Egyptians rebel and I think that's exactly what we need in this phase. We need to learn to ask the right questions not ask for the impossible and to expect real actions towards a better government not to expect magic.

Finally, we need a government that can direct and lead the unstoppable need for change in everyone of us towards a better Egyptian community.

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