Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A little bit of everything

"I like being alone at least I convince myself that I am better off that way, I met someone, she changed me and then she left ... We're better off alone. We suffer alone, we die alone" House.
House is my all time favourite TV series. I am addicted to it, to the character, to the way he thinks, deals with stuff and the way he makes it appear at the end.

Right now I am at an important crossroad in my life. College is almost over and my life is about to begin. Of course everything will have to be put on hold due to mandatory military service but that gives me A LOT of time to think of what's to come; to plan, replan and then plan some more.  And that's hell.

I am losing all my interest in what's going on in college, all I care about is getting out with 3.4+ GPA. I know it ain't that good but ... well nothing I am going to say here will make any difference.

When you know that you have all your life ahead of you, one can think all different kinds of stuff. For me everything pops into my head Career choices, research, industry, academia, abroad, local, life, family, marriage, love, settling, money, money, choices choices choices... I don't mind taking them. I already have my life planned but being given such a long time to rethink that plan over and over and over and over .. well you figure it out. One must start to develop doubts, change it just to have new stuff to look forward to instead of that the same picture.

I can't deny that this time gave me the chance to do stuff that I didn't have planned and learn about things I wouldn't have noticed if I knew that my life was starting right after graduation. It also gave me the chance to get the vacation I didn't get for the past 4 years.

The way I see it, planning is good. It keeps you from getting lost and gives you a kind of heads up on what might be. Also everything you have might be considered a blessing or a curse depending on how you tend to see and use it, so it just up to you to either get things right or mess everything up.

1 comment:

  1. that's just a great post .. somehow you describe a state similar to mine except that my life starts right after graduation :( ..

    The Matrix said it all : "Choice. The problem is choice."
