Sunday, October 18, 2009

Right and Wrong, Strong and Weak: Which is Which??

When you're right you're strong. You can face the world fearlessly with what you are and what you believe in. There can be no doubt in what you're saying cuz after all you're right, and being right means having something to prove that you right.
And when you're wrong and holding on to it, you're afraid to be caught red handed. You try to cover what you're doing with lies and hide behind them cuz after all you're wrong, and what you're doing has nothing to support, but maybe your desires and what you might think to be your needs.
But what I am seeing now that right is not strong any more, people don't defend it the way I used to hear in the stories they kept telling me as I grew up. For some unknown reasons I can't find someone brave enough to stand behind the rightful truth, that he'd deserve his counterparts respect no matter what the result turned out to be.
This just a passing thought as I remembered how we're told about people that faced death without fear for the cause they believed in. Why don't we have any of those any more? that's a question for you and me.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Alone This Eid

Well, it's the first Eid for me to spend alone.
I switched the TV as I've been doing for the past few days. Boring as it can be, HBO channel treated me well tonight. A movie called "Love Affair" got me thinking and gave me the urge to write this.
When you're looking in the faces of every single person on the street searching for someone, when it hurts just when you think about that someone and even when it hurts as you've never been hurt before you still can't get over that someone, then that's agony. And to me that's what love is.
"Forgive, forget and never regret" My Wish - Rascal Flatts.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen

If you haven't seen the first one go now and watch it, then RUN to the nearest Cinema and watch the new one. Transformers: Revenge of the fallen is what a cinema movie is, great sound effects, amazing graphics, a pretty good story and a good ending.
I don't want to spoile the movie so I won't go into the details of the story but it's a good sequel with no changes in the details of the first movie to fit the second. In short words, it's a wild ride.
After I watched the movie I knew I focused on 2 things, first the geographical mistakes. If you're not from Egypt then you wouldn't notice that the Pyramids of GIZA are no where near Sinai and the Karnak Temple of Luxor is in Egypt not in Jordan. I have been to both and I assure you that they don't appear on the map near the Aqaba bay. That's a major mistake of the director.
The other thing was Megan Fox :D. Enough Said!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Rocky Balboa

I think the Rocky series is one of the best series of movies that has ever been created; maybe it seconds only to star wars. When I heard they made a forth movie I thought "Nah! it ain't gonna be near any of the other ones" and I gladly say I WAS WRONG. It's one of the best that I have seen recently, maybe cuz I just needed that kind of movies or maybe cuz it's really amazing. It moves a lot of feelings inside you and shows you the way to be the champ of your life and to live it the way it should be lived, YOUR OWN WAY.
I thought I should mention this quote as it really moved me: "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain't you! You're better than that!"

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ibrahim Labyad: A bad idea, a bad movie

Ibrahim Labyad Sucks, here is the full story:
Well, I have finished my exams and as I am used to for as long as I can remember It's time to hit the cinema and watch the best movie out there to officially start the summer and so we did. We have not always been luck with movies, some good ones and some really bad ones, but always me and kareem (a friend of mine got to choose them). Tonight it was Ibrahim Labyad.
I am a big fan of Ahmad Al Saqa, there has been always something to his movies that made it really special, a great story, a great script, a great picture and of course as always his great performance; I only got to see his good performance, he wasn't even as good as the last one. No story at all, just the life of a street man (baltagy) with no point at all of choosing him to be the center of anything.
Some of my friends told me that the movie represented reality and what a bad representation it was. The girl who has never been to school read the newspaper better than I did when I was in high school, his friend pronounced cafeteria as if he has been out of his BMW and all the characters were so polite although they were all mad murderers.
The ending gave no closure, no expression, no nothing. My opinion if you're thinking about seeing it DON'T.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Dying Hope

This is a quote from my favourite movie when Noah (the stroy hero and the story teller too) decided to move on without never really moving on. This is the last letter of the 365 letters he sent to Allie
"My Dearest Allie. I couldn't sleep last night because I know that it's over between us. I'm not bitter anymore, because I know that what we had was real. And if in some distant place in the future we see each other in our new lives, I'll smile at you with joy and remember how we spent the summer beneath the trees, learning from each other and growing in love. The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and that's what you've given me. That's what I hope to give to you forever. I love you. I'll be seeing you. Noah"

Monday, May 4, 2009

Music as I Hear it: Rascal Flatts - My Wish

First I want to say that I found out that I can know how I am feeling now by the music I am hearing. When I am in love I usually go for some Arabic songs, when It's cool I go for some classical music and when I am blue I usually go for something new. If I am writing two posts about Rascal Flatts then there is no doubt that I am fan. But the other thing is that their lyrics always has something to say, like today's "My Wish". "My Wish" is one of a group of songs that I collected about 3 years ago back when I first fall in love (Yeah, I have been in love more than once) that group of songs brings me a lot of memories, Memories I love (not about the one I loved back then). I heard them a lot so just listening to them brings a very nice flash back to my eyes.
Today I listened to the song and a little wish stopped me "I hope you know somebody loves you and wants the same things too". Some people my think "Duh!" but that's the first time I realized that love alone REALLY is not enough. You need understanding and shared goals. Shared goals not like in one's goals become the others but more like both of you thinking in the same way and having the same goals because both of you really want them. That of course means that you'll have the same level of education, culture and family values.
Actually I can always find something deep in the lyrics of Rascal Flatts and this might not be the last time I blog about this song because every wish has a little something that makes it special.
So let me wish you all a very happy life :)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Music as I Hear it: Rascal Flatts - It's not supposed to go like that

I am a big fan of Rascal Flatts. I love their songs, music, lyrics, style and everything else. Sometimes I think their music is religious and sometimes not. But it's not supposed to go like that got me thinking in a different way. Humans have no clue about what could happen to any of them even after one second. No one can tell by a 100% of certainty that something is going to happen to him or anyone else on the planet within a small time frame as 1 second, anything can happen during that one second. So can we really say what is supposed to happen and what is not supposed to happen?? can we question what has already happened and judge it?? Can we say that some should have gone anyother way??
My answer is No. It has nothing to do with being religious or not. It has everything to do with humans' powers and limitations. You can't judge what you can't understand. It's that simple
I hope that you'd share your opinion. That would help me a lot.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Things I got to know this past few weeks are that success is not working all the time for one goal and try so hard not to do anything that might slow you down. Happiness can't be bought, replicated nor forced to appear but you can pretend your way into happiness. Real friendship is not shakeable, periodic nor simple. Music is everywhere around us and you can hear it if you take just a minute every day to really listen. And that you can learn a lot by watching the faces of people passing by.
I have seen enough to know that real love is forever, happiness doesn't last and neither does sadness, family will always be there for you even when you think otherwise, all that a person owns really is his faith if he lost it nothing will matter and if he has it the limit is the sky.When you lose someone dear there is no easy way around it. It will hurt and hurt and you'll never forget but somehow you get used to the pain. It sticks and become part of the new you and the way for the new you to be happy is not to lock himself in the past nor try to replicate it and to start living again no matter how impossible it might seem.
And the line that seems to prove itself right day after day is "The more things change the more they stay the same".

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Macaroni a la saeed

So I came home tonight a little hungry and decided I wanted to have macaroni. I asked my mom and she fall asleep 5 minutes later :D. So I decided to make it myself and wake my mother every once in a while to check for the next step. They say a picture is worth a thousand words so here are the pictures of the process:

Pilot Post

Life is a simple journey that you either enjoy or hate, both ways you'll live it. And despite what most of us think we live our lives our way not any other's way.

Waves of change always running into us sometimes unnoticed, other times welcomed like a breeze on a hot summer night and others as devastating as huge ocean wave crashing our little castle of sand. And due to our human nature forcing us to hold on to the past, refusing every little bit of that change we need a shelter where we can hide waiting for those waves to go away.

When I think of what a shelter is, it could be anything, the arms of a loved one, a special place, a conversation or even a night out with friends laughing at stupid things till it hurts. That's the reason why I am starting this blog. A shelter it is for me. A way to express and share my thoughts as I found out (not so lately) that I am becoming more and more detached from the life I am living, from the people around me and even from myself.

I used to write my mind out of confusion, fear and loneliness. Expressing what ever comes to me, living in my own wonder world traveling the galaxy searching for amazing people and meeting ultraordinary characters. Now I don't have time for any of that so I'll make time for it.

Here I am searching for my inner peace, sharing the journey with you think for more than 5 years now that I am Almost There.